• Enter your details
  • Compare your savings
  • Complete your switch
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Enter your details
Next: Compare your savings

About the property

Which address would you like to save money at?


Please enter a postcode and search for an address.

Please enter a valid postcode to search.

Please select an address

This means that we won't ask you stuff you may not know. We cannot promise you the most accurate result, but you'll see the deals that matter.

By clicking 'CONTINUE', you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Our systems show this is a commercial property. Please click here, for one of our agents to contact you.

Address: {{ selectedAddress.addressAsLongString }}Address skipped Edit

Your current supplier

Which are you looking to compare?

Do you have the same supplier for both gas and electricity?

Who is your current supplier?

Our systems show your current supplier is {{ currentDualSupplierName }}. If incorrect, please select the correct supplier.
...or choose a different supplier
Please select your current supplier

How do you pay for your energy?

Please choose how you pay for your energy

Do you have Economy 7?

Our data shows you have an Economy 7 meter. If this is incorrect, please untick this box.

What is the name of your current tariff?


Being the new tenant to a property will mean the current supplier will have placed you on their "Standard Variable tariff" as selected here.

No problem. To show you the best deals on the market, we will compare against your supplier's most popular default tariff.

Please select your current tariff

Who is your gas supplier?

Our systems show your current supplier is {{ currentGasSupplierName }}. If incorrect, please select the correct supplier.
...or choose a different supplier
Please select your current gas supplier

How do you pay for your energy?

What is the name of your current gas tariff?


Being the new tenant to a property will mean the current supplier will have placed you on their "Standard Variable tariff" as selected here.

No problem. To show you the best deals on the market, we will compare against your supplier's most popular default tariff.

Please select your current gas tariff

Who is your electricity supplier?

Our systems show your current supplier is {{ currentElecSupplierName }}. If incorrect, please select the correct supplier.
...or choose a different supplier
Please select your current electricity supplier

Do you have Economy 7?

Our data shows you have an Economy 7 meter. If this is incorrect, please untick this box.

How do you pay for your energy?

What is the name of your current electricity tariff?


Being the new tenant to a property will mean the current supplier will have placed you on their "Standard Variable tariff" as selected here.

No problem. To show you the best deals on the market, we will compare against your supplier's most popular default tariff.

Please select your current electricity tariff

Submitting search...

Your usage

How would you like to enter your current energy usage?

Please choose how you calculate your usage
NOTE: The UK average split between electricity and gas for a dual fuel customer is 56% electricity and 44% gas. For example, if you spend £100 per month, this would equate to £56 electricity and £44 gas.
NOTE: Estimated usage based on Ofgem's updated Typical Domestic Consumption Values (TDCV) from 01/10/2023. Click Low, Medium or High for values used.
How much do you spend on Electricity?

Our systems show your electricity spend as £{{ poundSystemElecConsumptionDisplay }}. If this is incorrect, please change the value above.

Please enter your usage

Your usage exceeds domestic energy usage levels. If you are a business customer, please call 0800 035 1837.

How much do you spend on Gas?

Our systems show your gas spend as £{{ poundSystemGasConsumptionDisplay }}. If this is incorrect, please change the value above.

Please enter your usage

Your usage exceeds domestic energy usage levels. If you are a business customer, please call 0800 035 1837.

How much electricity do you use?

Our systems show your electricity usage as {{ kwhSystemElecConsumptionDisplay }}. If this is incorrect, please change the value above.

Please enter your usage

Your usage exceeds domestic energy usage levels. If you are a business customer, please call 0800 035 1837.

How much gas do you use?

Our systems show your gas usage as {{ kwhSystemGasConsumptionDisplay }}. If this is incorrect, please change the value above.

Please enter your usage

Your usage exceeds domestic energy usage levels. If you are a business customer, please call 0800 035 1837.

How much electricity do you use?

Please select your usage

How much gas do you use?

Please select your usage

Electric car

Do you have an electric vehicle?

Please complete the required information highlighted above
We were unable to submit your details. Please check you have completed all the fields above.
Enter your details

Enter your existing energy supply details here to get the most accurate comparison.

Compare your savings

Find the best deal for you based on your personal preferences.

Complete your switch

Fill in a simple application form which will automatically be sent to your new supplier.